.NET developer at Appyway


Javascript sandbox pattern

A few years ago I wrote a post about Javascript namespaces and modules [https://www.kenneth-truyers.net/2013/04/27/javascript-namespaces-and-modules/]. In that post I discussed a pattern for isolating your code from outside code. I also promised to write up another pattern, the javascript...


Technical debt: managing code quality

Technical debt is usually seen as a negative factor in a development process. While having too much technical debt is indeed a good indicator for a project gone bad, technical debt is not always a bad thing. What is technical debt? When you start writing...


Code Reviews: why and how?

[https://www.kenneth-truyers.net/content/images/2016/04/code_review-2.jpg] Of all the practices implemented to improve code quality, such as unit testing, continuous integration, continuous deployment, daily stand-ups, I find the most important one is doing proper code reviews. Code reviews have a...


Build 2016 announcements

[https://www.kenneth-truyers.net/content/images/2016/04/build.jpg] Build 2016 is finished and as always it was great to see Microsoft bringing new opportunities to businesses and developers. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend, but luckily, the live stream of all the...